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Skilled Visas & Canada
Eligibility Assessment
Federal Skilled Worker Program
Quebec Skilled Worker Program
National Occupation Classifications

Skilled Worker/Independent Class

To sustain its population growth, offset declining birth rates, an aging population and fill specific skill shortages, Canada is looking to attract skilled migrants to sustain future economic growth. This category is for people interested in obtaining permanent residence based on their ability to become economically established in Canada.

In June 2002, Canada's 25-year old Immigration Act was replaced by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). The recent changes highlight an emphasis on education, language proficiency, previous stays in Canada, and the transferable skills which can be applied to the Canadian workforce. In 2004, 133,746 new permanent residents were welcomed under the economic class.

Skilled Workers are economic migrants who are allowed entry into Canada, as permanent residents as they are deemed to have the required profile and credentials to become economically established in Canada.

There are several different programs available under the Skilled Worker Program:

Federal Skilled Worker Program

In the Independent/Skilled Worker Class, a skilled worker is someone who has at least one (1) year of paid full-time (37.5 hours per week or more) work experience within the past ten (10) years in one of the occupations listed in either Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B of the National Occupational Classification (NOC). The NOC was developed by Human Resources Development Canada to be a systematic cataloging of occupations in the Canadian labour market. The NOC is divided into five (5) bands:

Skill Type 0 - Management Occupations;
Skill Level A which is primarily comprised of professional occupations;
Skill Level B which consists of technical, skilled trades and paraprofessional occupations;
Skill Level C which comprises occupations that mainly consist of intermediate level, clerical or supportive functions;
Skill Level D which consists of elemental sales or service and primary labourer occupations.

Only experience in Skill Type 0 or Skill Levels A and B are considered relevant for applicants in the Independent/Skilled Worker Class.

To immigrate in the Independent/Skilled Worker Class, the experience in Skill Type 0 or Skill Levels A and B must consist of actions described in the lead description and a substantial number of the duties described in the Main Duties section of the NOC, including all the essential duties.

Assuming that they meet the aforementioned prerequisites, applicants are then assessed according to various selection criteria by Citizenship and Immigration Canada officials and applicants must attain a minimum score of sixty-seven (67) points overall in order to be eligible to become permanent residents of Canada.

These selection criteria are as follows:

1. Education: Maximum 25 Points
2. Official Languages: Maximum 24 Points
3. Experience: Maximum 21 Points
4. Arranged Employment: Maximum 10 Points
5. Age: Maximum 10 Points
6. Adaptability: Maximum 10 Points
TOTAL POINTS: Maximum 100 Points

Quebec Skilled Worker Program

Applications under this option, are initially processed by the relevant Quebec Immigration Office(SIQ). The Québec provincial government and Canadian federal governments share jurisdiction with respect to immigration. Québec is exclusively responsible for selecting immigrants wishing to settle within its territory and who will enter the labour market. Upon approval, applicants are initially granted a Certificate of selection from Quebec(CSQ). After issuance of a CSQ, an immigration officer will assess your application based on Canadian health and security requirements and regulations. To qualify under this program, you (or your partner) mu st satisfy the prerequisites of one of the three programs for workers established by the Québec government.


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